Baru-baru ini, seorang pengunjung blog Anwar Ibrahim bertanyakan tentang penglibatan beliau semasa di Annapolis Summit 2007 dimana beliau diatas kapasiti individu telah menandatangani surat sokongan bagi mengiktiraf negara Israel. Namun, beliau menyangkal dengan mengatakan bahawa semua itu fitnah yang sengaja direka-reka walaupun buktinya memang jelas dan nyata.
Saudari Munirah,
Saya kurang pasti siapa yang sasau menyebar dakyah sebegini dengan dendam kesumat sademikian. Mungkin hasil latihan fitnah BTN!
Secara konsisten saya menggesa pengiktirafan ke atas HAMAS dan menegur pimpinan UMNO-BN kerana mengenepikan wakil HAMAS di Kuala Lumpur. Saya tidak pernah menyentuh apa lagi mendukung Annapolis Summit.
Maka, mari kita lihat artikel dan surat yang disiarkan oleh The Washington Note (klik disini)serta nama-nama mereka yang telah monyokong dan menandatanganinya.
STEVEN CLEMONS dalam The Washington Note mengesahkan ANWAR IBRAHIM, bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia turut sama menandatangani surat 'sokongan' deklarasi "Annapolis Summit 2007" kepada Presiden George W. Bush dan Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, pada 10 October 2007. ANWAR IBRAHIM dilaporkan telah menandatangani surat 'sokongan' deklarasi itu sebaris dengan JOHN McLAUGHLIN, bekas Timbalan Pengarah CIA; SHLOMO BEN-AMI, bekas Menteri Luar Negara Israel; HARRIET BABBITT bekas Pengarah NDI; JOHN MALOTT, bekas Duta US; CHRISTOPHER PATTEN, Co-Chair of ICG; STEVEN CLEMONS, Pengarah, New America Foundation dan lain-lain lagi.
Artikel Dari The Washington Note (klik disini)
Surat sokongan kepada Presiden Amerika Syarikat (klik disini)
Semua nama-nama itu merupakah bekas-bekas tokoh berpengaruh kerajaan Amerika dan tokoh luar negara yang pro Amerika. Sudah semestinya tokoh-tokoh Amerika itu sudah mengenali siapakah Anwar Ibrahim dan mengetahui atas alasan apa bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia turut dijemput menandatangani surat deklarasi itu.
Demikian lah dolak-dalih si Tali Barut yang akhirnya menjerut dirinya sendiri..
Artikel dan gambar dari AIDC. Klik untuk kupasan sepenuhnya.
Huyooo...BTN bleh brainwash org US ooo... pawer root gila BTN ni... hehhehee... ke BTN dah hack server kat US ni? x pon BTN pakai mind control mcm Yuri dalam Red Alert 2.. hahahahahha.......
dalam http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/Annapolis%20Summit%20Statement.htm ada ....
"Anwar Ibrahim
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister of Malaysia"
Takpa, be fair.. tunggu je la jawapan tuan ampunya badan... hehe..
Oooopssss.... found this also maaa.......
Harakah Has Tarnished Malaysia's Reputation, Says Shabery (June 27, 2006 20:03 PM)
KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 (Bernama) -- Harakah has tarnished Malaysia's image with its claims that the Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmud Al-Zahar was an impolite guest and deserved the shabby treatment meted out by the government, said Foreign Ministry's Parliamentary Secretary Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
He said Harakah had condemned the Hamas leader, claiming he had insulted the Malaysian government while here last month to attend the NAM Ministers Coordinating Bureau meeting.
The PAS-controlled paper claimed that Al-Zahar was impolite to his host.
It also claimed that the government had given poor diplomatic treatment to Al-Zahar.
"I regret that (Harakah) is trying to discredit the government. Apparently, PAS has also discredited (the Hamas leader) by saying he was impolite.
"I do not think he (Al-Zahar) would stoop so low to condemn his host. I think PAS was trying to tarnish the good name of Hamas," he said in Parliament Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Shabery said Malaysia supported the Hamas-led Palestine government and wanted the Israel-Palestine conflict to end soon.
He said this was stressed by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi during his meeting with Hamas special envoy Dr Azzam Tamimi in Putrajaya on Feb 20.
Malaysia, which chairs the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), also gave the Palestinian government RM58 million in May after America and the European Union imposed economic sanction on the war-torn territory.
Azzam Tamimi - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azzam_Tamimi
Hehehe... satgi ada org kata aku kena BTN plak dah... hehehehe...
Kebenaran pasti mai. Hang tengok sajalah no?
Anwar Ibrahim ni memang bertopengkan manusia tetapi berhati syaitan dan busuk ...
Sudah jelas lagi terang bahawa beliau terlibat, MASIHHH NAKKK LAGI BERDOLAK DALIK ...
Bahaya Yahudi adalah sama bahayanya dengan agen Yahudi ...
salam saiful
GERAKAN ANTI PKR aka GAP bersamamu menentang kepala munafik no 1 anwar ibrahim.
Terima kasih GAP dan semua.. Sama-sama kita sedarkan rakyat tentang penipuan oleh pemimpin bermuka dua ini..
Pemimpin bermuka dua? I think he has a lot more faces that that bro saiful! Jijik tengok muka dia dah. How could someone yang kononnya warak sign something that mengiktiraf kaum Yahudi? How could he? Stupid, stupid man!
A'kum Saiful!
Kebenaran yang Tun Dr. Mahathir katakan bakal terjawab. Hanya masa menentukan.
Orang MUNAFIK macam Anwar akan mendapat balasan kerana mengkhianati agama, bangsanya dan tanah air ini.
Hidup Tun!
I'm not on anyone's side, but obviously now I can see who big the media holds the power to influence people.(althou I'm one of the media people). common ar..senang plak orang nak percaye anwar buat bende2 tu kan (dah cukup selidik ke), sedangkan banyak lagi menteri kite yang songlap duit rakyat (tak heran plak nak kesah?) terang2 menyusahkan rakyat sendiri tak de plak orang heran, n menteri dapat hidup senang lenang. and yea, thanks to those yang sebok nak memburukkan pihak laen yang akhirnye tak kemane pon kes tu. but yes, unluckily it is horrifying to know that muslim in Gaza were killed everyday. may they find peace and the war shall stop!jahanam yahudi.
cikika said...
I'm not on anyone's side, but obviously now I can see who big the media holds the power to influence people.(althou I'm one of the media people). common ar..senang plak orang nak percaye anwar buat bende2 tu kan (dah cukup selidik ke), sedangkan banyak lagi menteri kite yang songlap duit rakyat (tak heran plak nak kesah?) terang2 menyusahkan rakyat sendiri tak de plak orang heran, n menteri dapat hidup senang lenang. and yea, thanks to those yang sebok nak memburukkan pihak laen yang akhirnye tak kemane pon kes tu. but yes, unluckily it is horrifying to know that muslim in Gaza were killed everyday. may they find peace and the war shall stop!jahanam yahudi.
My Questions..
1) Which case?
If its regarding my case, pls beware that the case is not over yet. The High Court Revision Hearing is on the 5th February which im quite reluctant due to so many delays. Hope the judge will be firm on his judgment this time and set the trial date as soon as possible.
2)On Gaza
In showing our utmost support to the Palestinians, we must not overlook the wrongdoings of those who recognise The State of Israel. And we know dat in this country, Anwar is the Devil's Advocate. Seperti pepatah melayu ''dah terang lagi bersuluh'' and you r like ''bagai nak menegak benang yang basah''.
Lastly, you as a media person, takkanlah Malaysian Govt ni power sangat sampai blh influent The Washington Note?
as much as I'm concerned my statement should look as a general statement (based on my own opinion and observation)without any of my intention to point it out (specially to yours, which is I know the case is not settle yet, perhaps it can be any cases in Malaysia) and regarding the issue of anwar has recognised the State of Israel, I didn't said that he never do that, and I've point out my words as a question mark(which is i believed it was me who fail to put the question mark there), but nevertheless I believe anyone can have their own words on anything.It is why I chose to write out my comment here, It shall not harm anyone here. (but if u think that everyone should believe on things that they've seen or read on the news, u should not bother to approve my comment as simple as that)
I still feel sorry for Palestinians, for what had happen to them, with or without knowing that anyone has recognised the damn Israel, cause as for me it is not an issue.
Reply to Ms Cikika,
1.(but if u think that everyone should believe on things that they've seen or read on the news, u should not bother to approve my comment as simple as that)
The issue here is that Anwar clearly denied and accused others of slander when the fact is that he himself actually recognise The State of Israel by signing the Annapolis Summit letter of support.
Why must he deny and accuse others of slander when the ORIGINAL CONTENT and the SIGNATORIES of that letter were published by a credible media for the whole world to see?
2.With or without knowing that anyone has recognised the damn Israel, cause as for me it is not an issue.
MSB: It may not matter to you but it does to me and to others as well. Being the First Malaysian plus the so called Muslim Leader to recognise The State Of Israel, its a disgrace towards the Palestinians and to our fellow
Muslim's in this country. Ironically, PAS supporters that have been rallying on the street protesting against the US and the Israel without knowing that their Iconic leader really is the Devil's Advocate of Israel.
Anwar ibrahim ke anwar sadat?
myb steven clemon tersilap taip or ade org hack web die. hahaha..
kena tgk surat ori, baru leh betul2 sah. kalau takat internet ni..
"buang karang la.."
p/s: buat encik shahir dan yang lain2. cara nk menaip assalamualaikum adalah dengan cara 'salam', bukannya menaip "a'kum". dah lari makna tu brader...
kalau setakat internet buang karan!
pecah gelas buang kaca,
dah terkena baru tak percaya,
sudah lah...orang dah jelak ngan anwar ibrahim
aku cukup malu punya orang Islam seperti anwar ibrahim.
buat cikika.
not on anyone's side?
hahaha. menaip memang mudah.
bukti sudah di depan mata.
usah berfikiran sempit.
mungkin pada fikiran saudari,
agaknya kerajaan BN yang menjadi editor washington note.
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