Saturday, October 31, 2009

When Raja Petra presumes Anwar as ''Alexander The Great''

Anwar Ibrahim and many of the opposition leaders have this false feeling of grandeur about themselves. But they are not grand, and certainly far from great. They did not make 8 March 2008 happen. The people made it happen. And what the people make the people can break.

Raja Petra Kamarudin 

Great people do great things. Great people also do the opposite after they have done great things. So, if you have a tendency to do great things, and then do a U-turn later and dismantle all the great things you have done, do not feel too bad for you will be walking amongst the great.

Alexander the Great was one such great person. He set out to conquer the world. And then his ego conquered him. By the time he reached the border of India he had killed off all his close friends and most trusted generals. When they set out to conquer the world ten years before that it was as comrades. Then, friend became foe and the benevolent became malevolent. And, by his own hand, Alexander the Great killed the very people who loved him and who he once used to love as well.

Alexander the Great was of course not the only great man to walk the face of this earth. There were many great men through the ages. Some died unknown as not all great men are listed in the history books. There are probably more unknown soldiers and unsung heroes than those who are remembered. But I have used Alexander the Great as my analogy merely because he carries the title ‘great’ in his name.

Malaysia too has no shortage of great men. And I use the term ‘men’ not to mean gender but as they would say ‘mankind’ when it can also mean women. So we can assume I am also talking about women when I say ‘great men’. And some of the great men and women of Malaysia through the ages, some known and many unknown, have lived and died and only a few are left remaining.

I would place Anwar Ibrahim as amongst those great men. Now, Anwar Ibrahim is not the only great man, mind you. There are of course many. But today I want to talk about Anwar Ibrahim, not because he is the only great man Malaysia has given birth to, but because he best reminds me of the greatest of great men, Alexander the Great.

Continue here


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    buka ka alexander ada MALE lover..hmmm..semacam ja RP (Raja Penipu) the way BILA NAK BALIK PI COURT, Raja Penipu oiii..hangdok lari pasai apa?

  2. Ha Ha HA! Betultu. Dia ni lari sebab dia takut nanti tiba-tiba dia pulak nak bunuh diri macam Teoh dan MACC.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Raja Penipu anak haram baling batu sembunyi tangan..yang penakut yang pengecut yang tak ada telor..Hang Raja Setan patut kena belantan...

  4. Assalamualaikum sdr Saiful

    Ini lah dia contoh yang membuat ketua jadi tak sedar diri,(sokong yang akan membawa rebah)anu arr suka lah jubo dia dijilat oleh pencacai yang tidak ada maruah lansung.Hahahahahahahaha anu arr anu arr!!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    well said.totally agreed.anwar trully a great statesman.a bless to all malay.

    anwar the great!!!

  6. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Brother Anwar as "Alexander The Great"?? Mhuahahaha...that the Joke of the Year!!

  7. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Orang Islam sepatutnya tidak menyanjung Alexander the Great of Macedonia yang gay.

    Iskandar Zulkarnain yang tercatit di dalam Al Quran yang memakai topi bertanduk dua tu ialah Cyrus the Great of Persia yang menyembah Tuhan yang satu.

  8. erk...ha ha ha
    RPK dah tak tahan lagi dengan anwar...
    hu hu hu...
    dalam maksud RPK tu...he he he

  9. Tak Rela Di Tipu Lagi11:11 PM

    ANWAR AS ALEXANDER THE GREAT? Kah! Kah! Kah! Kah! Kah! Kah! Kah!

    Bila sdra Saiful buat pengaduan di Balai Polis, dia cabut lari ke kedutaan Turki. Dakwa kononnya ada orang nak bunuh dia. Kah! Kah! Kah!

    Dibela oleh lebih 10 orang lawyers tapi masih takut untuk dibicarakan. Kah! Kah! Kah!

    ADUN Port Klang Badrul Hishim keluar parti PKR kerana tak dapat terima pemimpin yang mempunyai moral yang tidak baik. Kah! Kah! Kah!

  10. Johari11:15 PM

    Aku heran macamana PAS boleh terima Anwar jadi pemimpin mereka sedangkan merekalah yang suruh Dr. Mahathir ambil tindakan keatas Anwar semasa dia jadi TPM dulu. Mereka kata Anwar tak layak jadi TPM kerana moralnya.

    Dimanalah letaknya pendirian PAS ini?

  11. Alexender The Great?

    wah, silap tu.. kena ubah jadi the shit

  12. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Pada pandangan sayalah, RPK nie macam nak buat U-Turn jer nampaknya (dah tersepit kott...), but whatever his intention is, comparison yang dia buat bukan persamaan "greatness" Alexander n AIB, tapi persamaan dari sudut kegagalan mencapai cita-cita ketika sudah hampir sangat ke garisan penamat....semata-mata kerana EGO sudah menguasai diri...!

    Itulah dunia politik...hari ini kawan, esok lawan...lusa, belum ketahuwan.

    Walau apapun Saiful...pinjam kata2 x-boss kamu........,


  13. Anonymous3:20 AM

    RPK nak u-turn le tu! Dah mula sindir Anwar. Mungkin sebab dah tak masyuk. Mungkin sedar nama dia tak bermula dengan huruf A dan tiada bateri size AAAR !!!!
    Aaaaargh! Aaaaarpk!!

  14. muhammad was the greatest man, because he put God first in everything including thought, feeling, actions, etc

  15. muhammad was the greatest man, because he put God first in everything including thought, feeling, actions, etc
